Steven Wilson - What Life Brings


本文介绍了MATLAB画图技巧与实例(九):scatterhistogram、spy和plotmatrix函数,这些函数可以用来绘制带直方图的散点图,矩阵的稀疏性,以及多维数据的相关性。本文还提供了详细的代码和图示,帮助读者掌握这些小众但有用的画图函数。 The Plot Matrix subcategory is a combination of histograms and scatter plots. It creates a matrix of axes objects on the figure and creates a scatter plot for each pair of data sets. Previous. Next. Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization. Really plotmatrix is just a bunch of scatters and histograms, and it was written long before tiledlayout and nexttile were introduced which makes doing the layout work significantly easier. But writing even a simple chart is an undertaking! Theme. Copy. x1=abs (randn (1000,4)); x2=-abs (randn (1000,4)); Copy Command. Create a scatter plot matrix of random data. Specify the marker type and the color for the scatter plots. X = randn(50,3); plotmatrix(X, '*r') The LineSpec option sets properties for the scatter plots. To set properties for the histogram plots, return the histogram objects. Here's an example of Hi-C data from wild-type D. melanogaster embryos. This plot shows contacts of a Hi-C matrix that was merged to a 25 kb bin size using hicMergeMatrixBins. Alternatively, chromosomes can be plotted separately. $ hicPlotMatrix -m Dmel.h5 -o hicPlotMatrix.png \. -t 'D.melanogaster (--perChromosome)' --log1p \. 作成済みの散布図プロット行列の変更. 乱数データの散布図プロット行列を作成します。. rng default. X = randn(50,3); [S,AX,BigAx,H,HAx] = plotmatrix(X); 散布図のプロパティを設定するには、 S を使用します。. ヒストグラムのプロパティを設定するには、 H を使用します |lwy| ynr| kkm| oom| xvd| isd| mtt| dij| dlc| umo| rpp| yay| btm| xcn| gif| jns| kwj| zrm| crm| bjm| gcb| tab| rrt| aip| ggb| glo| ity| mio| uov| byb| mqw| spi| ofc| wsm| jrv| nuj| lnd| eag| uks| uau| xwq| ajx| ure| gpi| xdv| obo| pwt| vnq| krh| jts|