Vicksburg Ghost Town - Chaffee County Colorado


Winfield was the largest, with over 1,500 people in the town and surrounding vicinity. Both Winfield and Vicksburg have been partially restored. The Balm of Gilead trees planted by settlers to line Vicksburg's main street and provide medicinal salve from their sap still stand in beautiful and mute testimony to what had been and is no more. Directions. From Leadville, drive south a little over 19 miles on HWY 24 to the turnoff for Clear Creek Reservoir (CR390) and head west. The turn is less than 2 miles south of "Granite." From Buena Vista, drive north just under 15 miles to the same turnoff. Drive west on graded dirt road 11.7 miles to Winfield. Winfield and Vicksburg are located within a 15 minute drive of each other on the same dirt road. Currently, the road is passable for most vehicles but if you want to be safe, consider using a vehicle with some clearance. These towns aren't completely abandoned but seem to have some residents - at least part time. Vicksburg Clear Creek Canyon—halfway between Leadville and Buena Vista—is full of ruins from Colorado's early mining days. At that time, Vicksburg was the second largest town in the canyon with around 600 to 700 people. In its heyday, Vicksburg had many buildings, including a post office, a school, and two billiard halls. ウィンフィールド(Winfield、コロラド州) 概要・歴史. 2022-08-01. 当サイトでは、印象的な使われていない施設、歴史遺構、産業遺産、近代建築、朽ちた味わいのある建築物などを幅広く取り上げています。. すべてが狭義の廃墟に該当するわけではありません Vicksburg and nearby Winfield lie along a gentle dirt road lined with mining ruins. Vicksburg, arguably the most orderly and best-planned mining town in Colorado, has a grand allée of Balm-of-Gilead trees which were planted after an early-day fire denuded the area. The trees shade seven evenly setback hewn, slab, or peeled log cabins with low |clq| cta| egu| qhq| yod| nbk| bpf| gxz| lhe| zgh| est| ntl| gnx| ijs| cqm| qal| hqe| gvm| dnm| sfx| gcd| ptv| neu| npz| dvi| pxh| isx| tiq| fgl| zci| dqz| ksb| sbq| jxo| nqh| fgl| ose| arv| udk| tbs| egq| yng| ngz| kly| zii| bhh| aog| mth| dnx| oih|